No. 4 Grass Seed – new for this year
This spring, we introduced our No. 4 mixture to our range of grass seeds. It is a 3 to 4 year ley and compares well in terms of yield with.. read more
This spring, we introduced our No. 4 mixture to our range of grass seeds. It is a 3 to 4 year ley and compares well in terms of yield with.. read more
With an ever tightening beef price, finishers need to get cattle away at the correct specification at high feed conversion efficiency. Many farmers have been getting good results feeding Jamesons.. read more
Propcorn provides a simple and cost effective method of storing grain. The benefits of propcorn treatment are numerous in terms of cereal preservation and improved animal performance. Propionic acid stops.. read more
Calf rearing is an important job as the young calf is the future of the herd. Well reared, healthy calves will produce high yielding, healthy adult dairy cattle and fast.. read more
Congratulations to Jameson customers Andrew & Sally Hargrave for champion pen of lambs at Wharfedale Farmers Spring Primestock Show & Sale. Andrew & Sally won the Keith & Audrey Hardcastle.. read more
Nematodirus parasites live in the intestine of sheep and infection can lead to profuse watery yellow-green scouring and ill thrift. The concern is that the performance of young lambs that.. read more
This month we look at work from Warwick University which is funded by EBLEX. The work is producing some interesting and useful results, which are increasing our knowledge about the.. read more
Compared to some areas of the country we have got off lightly this winter in terms of rainfall and flooding. However, we have still had a lot of rainfall, luckily.. read more
Grass staggers occurs when there are low levels of blood magnesium. Staggers results from an inadequate absorption of magnesium from the digestive system. There is very little magnesium reserves in.. read more
Greater efficiency and lamb weight gains occur if lambs are creep fed than if only the ewes are concentrate fed. For rapid weight gains, creep diets need to be palatable,.. read more