In a break from the general doom and gloom we can report that forward prices for soya and rape are much lower than current values. Because of an increase in.. read more
As with all crops, the 2012 weather has played havoc with the fodder beet crop. We are supplying this to farms and the quality is generally good. However we are.. read more
This month we launch our newly designed top-end whey and skim based calf milk replacer. Both are 23% protein and 17% oil. We have chosen to only use ingredients that.. read more
Jamesons Hogg Blend has remained relatively unchanged for 20 years. The specification designed by Malcolm Jameson had two basic principles; a blend of highly palatable ingredients to maximise intakes, high.. read more
Rapid live weight gain and optimum finish requires feeding high starch, cereal based feeds. High starch levels are especially important in large framed, difficult to finish animals. Adequate quantities of.. read more
The new look Jamesons Country Store is now open. We stock everything for the horse and pet owner, country dweller and small holder. Local people will also be able to.. read more