Haemonchus contortus or more commonly known as the barber’s pole worm is PGE-causing roundworm. Whilst less common than other roundworms in the UK it is an important consideration during the.. read more
Haemonchus contortus or more commonly known as the barber’s pole worm is PGE-causing roundworm. Whilst less common than other roundworms in the UK it is an important consideration during the.. read more
Sheep pregnancy scanners across the UK have reported variable results over the winter with some flocks in some areas carrying 20% to 40% fewer lambs than last year. Farmers are.. read more
This is what really happens when you inoculate your silage with too many bacteria…… ….. the bacteria quickly cause a log-jam in a specific area, which “switches on” a chemical.. read more
With the unseasonably warm weather experienced earlier this month, some farmers may have already seen populations of biting and nuisance flies in herds of dairy and beef cattle they’d normally.. read more
WORMING PLAN The worm challenge on every farm is different and changes every year and treatment plans should take into account unique factors such as farm location, disease history, current.. read more
The number of available herbicides for newly sown leys is limited with many grassland herbicide products stating that grass should be “established” i.e. over twelve months old at the time.. read more
Slurry Ease uses a combination of enzymes and bacteria to break down fibrous material and retain more nutrients in the slurry. The enzymes have an immediate impact on this breakdown,.. read more
Dalesman Garlic Grazer Buckets – An all purpose mineral lick. Providing high levels of garlic to help prevent fly problems in cattle and sheep.
A recent post mortem study at a Fallen Stock Collection Centre (FSCC) has shown that sheep producers are still losing too many lambs to pasteurellosis and clostridial diseases like pulpy.. read more