Using feed blocks or buckets may be a back-up option for ewes in mid and late pregnancy. Buckets and blocks will provide supplementary minerals and vitamins as well as a supply of energy and protein. Where sheep are roaming over a large area, not all of them will come when you feed them cake so having a back-up plan can help avoid ones getting twin lamb disease. Also, blocks and buckets will help the young and the old. Old girls that haven’t many teeth left will find the blocks easy to lick and if they don’t manage to eat enough cake in time will be able to lick at the blocks all day long! The younger ewes that tend to be shy feeders will also benefit from a top up of energy.
Apart from the extra energy and protein, ewes will also take key vitamins and minerals from the buckets and blocks. Vitamin E is needed to help the immune system and prevent White Muscle Disease in lambs. Selenium will boost immunity and is important for lamb vigour. Cobalt is an important constituent of vitamin B12, with deficiency causing poor growth and wasting in lambs.
Ask us about our Dalesman Ease buckets & blocks.

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