This section looks at specific problems that beef farmers may be grappling with, alternatively producers may want to investigate improved ration formulation to try to increase efficiency of production.
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This section looks at specific problems that beef farmers may be grappling with, alternatively producers may want to investigate improved ration formulation to try to increase efficiency of production.
WORMING PLAN The worm challenge on every farm is different and changes every year and treatment plans should take into account unique factors such as farm location, disease history, current.. read more
It is recommended to feed 7 to 10% forage to avoid dry matter intake and metabolic problems from feeding high concentrate diets. Holsteins consume between 7 and 20% (NRC for beef is.. read more
The following situations can result in bloat: – Lack of any forage in the diet Breed differences (higher in Holsteins due to high dry matter intake) Yeast inclusion can help.. read more
Once bred heifers can improve margins for suckler farmers. Well grown heifers should be selected for breeding at 15 months and calving at 24 months. Heifers should be around 65%.. read more