Calf Rearing Issues

Calf rearing requires great skill and attention to detail, when issues come up you need to act fast.  Our calf rearing issues will help you deal with whatever comes your way.


Coccidiosis in calves

Coccidiosis is a widespread problem for both calf rearers and farmers with suckler cows. The parasite destroys the cells of the lining of the digestive tract and there is a.. read more

Feeding waste milk to calves

Waste milk is defined as milk that cannot be sold for human consumption.  Feeding waste milk to calves may cause infection to spread from your herd to your calves, for.. read more


Calf Pneumonia

Viruses generally initiate a pneumonia outbreak, but a secondary infection of bacteria results in more severe lung damage. The cause of an outbreak of pneumonia is usually multifactorial and may.. read more

Calf rearing

Calf rearing is an important job on the farm. Remember the young calf is the future of your herd. Well reared, healthy calves will produce high yielding, healthy adult cattle… read more