As its coming round to lambing season once again it’s time to be thinking about vaccination of pregnant ewes. Ewes on the Heptavac-P Plus or Covexin 8 systems will be coming up for their annual booster.
Heptavac-P Plus provides effective clostridial protection and Pastuerella protection in breeding sheep. It is essential to give all replacement ewes two 2 ml doses at 4 to 6 weeks apart when they first join the flock. Also, don’t forget to include any bought-in tups as they can sometimes get forgotten about. Giving the ewes a booster dose of 2ml annually at 4 to 6 weeks prior to lambing will ensure she has good immunity and high levels of antibodies which will be passed onto her lambs via the colostrum.
Heptavac-P Plus is now available from the trade desk in 50ml, 100ml and 500 ml quantities, ask us for a price.
Covexin 8 vaccine provides protection against clostridial diseases, however does not provide protection against Pasteurella. Like Heptavac-P Plus, breeding ewes should be introduced into the vaccination programme when they join the flock with an initial dose of 5ml and a second dose of 2ml, 6 weeks later. This is followed up with an annual booster of 2ml at 2 weeks before lambing.

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