With the potential early entry after winter barley or wholecrop, July can be a great month for establishing stubble turnips or forage rape. With estimated growing costs of between £300-£400 per hectare these crops can provide good yields of high-quality winter feed. Yields of both crops are similar however forage rape typical has the edge over stubble turnips in terms dry-matter content and feed quality. Forage rape also has the potential to maintain its quality longer into the winter, but this varies greatly on individual circumstances.

Here are some variety options

Stubble Turnips

Samson- A tetraploid variety therefore improving palatability, this tankard turnip is the highest yielding in recent trials.

Delilah- A white turnip which gives great yields similar to Samson but with less leaf and improved disease resistance particularly mildew.

Rondo- This green globed variety has a high leaf to bulb ratio making it lower yielding but very suited to late autumn lamb finishing. Also has good root anchorage leading to less wastage when feeding.

Forage Rape

Hobson- A reliable forage rape with a good track record of winter hardiness in the UK. If has a good resistance to powdery mildew maintaining feed quality over winter.

Interval- This rape/kale hybrid produced huge yields of good quality forage from a very short growing period. It offers great feed quality but lower winter hardiness than Hobson.

All of the above are in stock at Masham for quick delivery.