After two difficult sowing seasons and wet winters, Autumn 2021 looks as though it could be an early drilling season with a lot of break crops drilled in the spring, potentially there could be a large area of both Wheat and Barley drilled for Harvest 2022. As we go to press November 2022 Wheat delivered into our Mill at Masham is £173 and Barley delivered is £158, so prices going forward are looking very favourable.
There are several varieties we have available for this coming Harvest that we believe will cover most of our customer requirements. As always please book early for chosen varieties and ring for any advice.
Winter Wheat
Even though a group 1 and a firm favourite for milling, feed growers have taken a liking to it as well thanks to its high output, good straw characteristics and very strong agronomics. Skyfall will be popular again in 2021. Must not be sown early due to rapid speed of development,
Group 2 Wheat
KWS Extase
A sell out variety last year with a strong disease package and the highest untreated yield alongside this it is very stiff strawed with an exceptional specific weight. Although not the highest yielding variety it will be very popular again due to its excellent agronomic package.
Group 4 Soft Wheat
Highest yielding wheat on the UK Recommended List. It has a sound disease package, a good specific weight and is early maturing. It may be worth avoiding very fertile sites as the straw strength sits at a 7 with a PGR. it will suit most other situations whether that is as a 1st/2nd wheat or on light/heavy land.
RGT Saki
Added to the Recommended List last year Saki has found favour because of its disease package and ability to sow early. It is stiff strawed, with a very good untreated yield. Will expect RGT Saki to be popular again this year.
Group 4 Hard Wheat
Graham has developed into a top selling variety. It has one of the best resistance ratings for septoria tritici on the list, it has good grain quality and stiff straw. It is suitable for relatively early drilling and is one of the earliest maturing feed varieties which adds to the appeal for those looking to spread their harvest workload.
One of the biggest selling wheat varieties last year. The disease profile is solid, straw strength is good and performs equally as well as a 1st or 2nd wheat. It shows promise as a potential early drilling wheat, having a variety as flexible as Gleam in terms of drilling date and soil type may well see it be the most popular variety again this year.
2-row Feed Barley
KWS Tardis (New, joint highest yielding 2-row conventional with good straw)
New to the AHDB Recommended List and joint highest yielding 2-row conventional alongside Bolton, KWS Tardis has performed particularly well in the East. Nice resistance to Rhynchosporium and stiff straw, Tardis shows huge potential on heavier soils. Seed supply expected to be tight for this variety.
Bolton (New, joint highest yielding 2-row conventional, an excellent feed barley)
This new addition to AHDB Recommended List is a very high-yielding two-row feed variety with short stiff straw it has performed well across all regions and soil types. Best results seen in the East region and on heavier soils.
Valerie (A farmer friendly variety with an exceptional specific weight, bold grain a natural successor to Cassia)
This variety has given consistent results both in trial and on farm combining good grain quality characteristics with high resistance to lodging. It has no major weaknesses in disease resistance and is still one of the earliest maturing conventional two-row barleys.
KWS Hawking (Came to market last year and did not disappoint)
With a strong agronomic package, its straw height and strength both delivered in a challenging growing year. The grain quality is better than KWS Orwell, so for growers who are looking for a step up in yield on their barley yields Hawking is an ideal proven choice now.
KWS Orwell (A consistent performer)
KWS Orwell is still the most popular 2-row barley. It has very stiff straw making it well suited to high fertility situations. Disease ratings are a mixed bag, mildew resistance is poor, rated only 3, so will need careful attention. KWS Orwell yields well in all regions, it has a decent grain quality and despite competition from some of the newly recommended varieties will show good feed results.
To discuss the above varieties and others that we have available then please contact your local rep or the seed office.